Risk Rank of a Site

Frequent questions:

Why max rank of 62.5?

How are ties resolved?

What is better: 1 or 62.5?


The risk rating scores of a site are ranked. This means that all sites are sorted by their risk rating score (from highest to lowest) and the rank represents the position in this list. A rank of 1 represents the highest risk rating score inside the list.

Several sites can have the same risk rating score. This is called a "tie". A tie is resolved by giving each involved site the same rank. In MyRBQM® Portal, the highest rank of the tied group is used. In order to indicate that there are ties, a ".5" is appended to the number.

For example, a rank of "2.5/10.5" means that the current site is ranked with the second highest risk rank, but has ties, so other sites share the same rank. The part after the '/' character represents the maximum of all ranks. In this case, the maximum rank is 10.5 and there are several sites who share the same rank.

For calculation of site rank: 
1) site risk rating scores are taken (for all KRIs on site's level)
2) they are negated
3) they are ranked (replaced with 1, 2, 3... in order of succession). Ties are replaced with their mean (non-integer ranks).

Example 1

Scores: 1,1, 2, 2, 4,4

Ranks: 5.5, 5.5, 3.5, 3.5, 1.5, 1.5

Example 2

Scores: 1, 500, 530, 30, 30

Ranks: 5, 2, 1, 3.5, 3.5

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