What is a Custom Metric?

The custom metrics feature allows users to generate metrics related to specific aspects of their clinical trials and upload the resulting data to MyRBQM. These custom metrics can then be utilized to create new Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) and Quality Tolerance Limits (QTLs) within MyRBQM, functioning just like any other KRI or QTL. This capability greatly expands the range of options available for enhancing risk management in clinical trials, offering a flexible and efficient means of doing so. 

Detailed explanation on how to create and manage custom metric/KRI/QTL is provided in the article "How to Configure Custom Metrics, KRIs and QTLs" (see link below).

Note: Ability to create, monitor and manage customer provided metrics, KRIs and QTLs is under a special privilege Manage Custom Calculations. This Privilege must be selected in User Roles Management for the appropriate user to be able to use it.

Note: Because of the intricacies of the software architecture, it is necessary for the study type to facilitate the import of custom metrics data (DynamicDataImport). If you're uncertain whether the study types deployed within your company support this feature, please contact Cyntegrity or refer to the Data Processing Specification in MyRBQM specific to your study and look up "DynamicDataImport". If you find this term, your study supports the data import of custom metrics. 

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