Study Settings - Configure/Configure QTL

In this tab of Study Settings, a user can set up Metrics, KRI, QTL and other groups' parameters one by one for configured levels separately.

Parameters might include:

  • Threshold for medium/high alert level
  • Auto-closure of tickets: if KRI is de-escalated (returned to the yellow or green zone), it will auto-close the escalated tickets, auto-raised accordingly before
  • Ticket creation timeout: KRI will not trigger tickets if a previous auto-created ticket was closed, despite the KRI remains escalated until that timeout have been elapsed since the time of the previous ticket closure
  • Muting
  • Calculation disabled: disabling the calculation while keep displaying this KRI/QTL on UI
  • Calculation parameters (scale)
  • Others

If a parameter is changed, the user will see Reset button in front of it.

Clicking on the Reset button will return the parameter value or setting to default.

For KRI there is a setting: Hide KRI, which stops the KRI calculation and tickets creation and hides the KRI from the UI. See more about this parameter in the "Hide KRI from User Interface" article.

To Reset All to Default, scroll to the bottom of the Configure tab and click on Reset All to Default.

NOTE: Do not forget to click Save, and if requested, provide Rationale for Change.

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