Study Settings - Study Setup

In Study Settings Menu, it is possible to:

  • Disable/Enable data processing (if the processing is disabled, metrics and other calculations are stopped)
  • Delete pending tasks
  • Set Study Status to Live (preventing Study Retirement and Data Deletion) or Non-Live
  • Select Study Type required for a particular study
  • Set up Sampling (how frequently to calculate data for the previous period of Study - before the Study was created in MyRBQM)
  • Manage data processing (Send synchronization request)
  • Access Data Processing Specification

Disable Data Processing 

Disabling data processing will:

  • Abort all pending steps after the currently active step has been completed with the error “Study is offline” (see below)
  • Cause any new, pending and future data processing tasks to fail

Data processing can be disabled at any time and enabled again when needed. 

If many data packages have been uploaded (e.g., by API) mistakenly:

  1. Disable data processing
  2. Ensure that all pending requests in Recent Tasks logs = 0
  3. Re-enable data processing.

Delete Pending Tasks 

Deleting Pending Tasks removes all non-started tasks for one specific study:

Select Study Type

This selection helps the system understand what dataset (including pre-configured metrics, KRIs, and QTLs) and study parameters will be used for this study. The available options are pre-coded and specific to a particular company’s requirements. The study type serves as the operational basis for executing study-specific computational tasks.

Please note that changing the study type in an ongoing study may lead to a loss of configuration settings and data.

Set up Sampling

Data sampling is used to configure data processing for historical data if a study was started before it was created in the MyRBQM portal. The purpose of this functionality is to calculate all metrics, KRIs, and QTLs for the past data in order to have a complete picture and assess the thresholds.

Sampling period for old data (in days) refers to how frequently calculations should be performed.

Maximum Simulation Points limits the number of simulation points during data processing. It is used when large blocks of data are being processed, allowing the data to be "sliced" into smaller segments until the correct level of detail is achieved for proper analysis. The default and maximum value for Maximum Simulation Points is 128

For example, the study was started on day X, before it was created in the MyRBQM portal. We can set the sampling period to 5 days and the maximum simulation points to 100. This means that the period of time from day 1 of the study to day x will be divided into 100 pieces, and the length of each piece will be 5 days.

What will happen if day 1 is 600 days away from day x and not 490 days? In this case, the system will take 600 days and divide it into 100 points, so the sampling period will be increased. This will happen automatically.

Please note that the maximum period from day 1 to day x can be 3 years (1095 days).

Also, it is important to mention that sampling will be automatically disabled after the first import. If the there is a need to recalculate historical data, a project manager should be contacted.

Manage data processing (Send synchronization request)

MyRMQM reads study meta-data once per day (or as configured for a specific study) and updates its database for the use by rest of the portal. The synchronization happens automatically at least once per day, but if needed, it can be triggered manually at any time using the Send synchronization request button:

Access Data Processing Specification

Data Processing Specification page provides detailed information about the processing of data within a specific study. It includes information about various calculations, metrics, and Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) used in the study. This specification is crucial for understanding how data is handled, processed, and interpreted within the study. It is also used as a basis for quality assurance work within the study.

The Data Processing Specification can be accessed by clicking on the Effective Version number:

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